The Daily Blog (2006-2007)

I view writing as an intellectual pursuit that requires much thoughts,patience,creativity and imagination.As an amateur writer,The Daily Blog is an account of my inspirations as I venture into uncharted waters to explore new horizons in literature.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Bang Me!

So long in youth ministry, now having coming out of the damn thing, I realised one thing with those older guys and now since I'm 18 year old in 2 months time, my peers, my best friends. They all came and left giving me the same reason -----"I gotta leave for studies". CHIAK SAI! I hate it, why can't a bunch of people meet and stay good for a long long time? CHIAK SAI! I know what you wanna say " are so like a girl, emotional". YOU CHIAK SAI! YOU WATCHED TOO MANY MOVIES, YOU THINK ALL THE BOYS ON EARTH ARE LIKE THE TV STARS, ALWAYS MACHO, ALWAYS COOL IZZIT? They all bluff you want to earn your money and show you things that you could never do in real life only lah. YOU GIRLS, PERIOD COME EARLY YOU SCOLD US, PERIOD COME LATE YOU SCOLD US, PERIOD COME TWICE YOU SCOLD US, PERIOD DON'T COME YOU SCOLD US, PERIOD COME ON TIME ALSO YOU SCOLD US. Hey, boys can come period also you know, I want to be emotional, I want to shout like a baby girl, which part of your body beh song? I don't even want to use proper English although I am capable of doing so, so what? I don't even wanna put this entry to paragraphs so that you can read easily. Let me remind you, this is my blog, and I can do anything and everything with it. I claim ownership and you don't give me money, you come here, read for free, laugh and go away. This is a channel for me to release my emo and shoot as much as I like, you not happy, call your lawyer and consult him where you can sue me. Now don't sidetrack me, I'm still emotional and 'fragile like the jelly' or 'fragile like the salt water fake breast implant', people come and go. That's how the world works. I accepted it. But I just have to give a shoutout, you and me both know why. It just happens. And we just have to let it happen...I label this post philosophy, and I don't even know why...



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