The Daily Blog (2006-2007)

I view writing as an intellectual pursuit that requires much thoughts,patience,creativity and imagination.As an amateur writer,The Daily Blog is an account of my inspirations as I venture into uncharted waters to explore new horizons in literature.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

I Used To When A Child

There’s like a shadow over all those lasting years,
It was when I was a little child when it all began,
I was a happy man,
And I could live all those yesterdays,
Thinking tomorrow will always be the same,
Until they finally faded and slowly they changed.
I remember when I was a toddler,
When life was much simpler and the world didn’t spin that fast.
When I didn’t read the papers and I didn’t bother that much,
About the fuzz of this too political world.
I used to when a child.

In the 60’s of an hour, I used to have more cheers,
Then I have now added together in those passing years,
It was when we started to grow when we started to learn,
That people will always be concerned,
Of the things that did not, will not, never not bother us when we were as a child.

The grown up life of those ones in this little world,
Kept our heads spinning along with this earth.
O’ when will we realize,
That all we fantasized,
One day will come to really nothing that much, not like what we expected it to be,
I miss how it was when I was a child.

When worries didn’t capture your heart and troubles seemed a little too small
To spend a 60’s in an hour to take away our smiles.
It’s time we learn,
For one day, to live like when we were as a child.



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