Standing Out
Good morning everybody, welcome to The Daily Blog. My theme for today is "Standing Out". And let us start with a few questions, here we go.When was the last time you chose to stand up while others chose to settle down? When was the last time you dreamt a different dream. And when will be the next time you will choose to shine while others chose to melt themselves in the darkness. Ladies and gentlemen it takes more than just courage for one man to make a clear cut decision-----to stand up and stand out. It takes a believer. It's takes faith. It takes both eyes that would see impossibilities as possible. It takes ordinary people like you and I, to dream an extraordinary dream. To stand up and stand out. Martin Luther King stood out and set his people free. Mahatma Gandhi stood up and became a history maker. John F. Kennedy rose up and became one of the greatest political leaders. Nelson Mandela dreamt and he became the Nobel Prize winner. And you, you stood up and made me wrote this article. History of the past is not enough to encourage people like me to write even more ladies and gentlemen. What we need is the people present like you to rise and stand tall that we may continue to write all incredible attributes for you. We need people who will live in the future to be another Martin Luther King. All these has to start somewhere, why not let it start today, with you?
Labels: Philosophy and the society
At 11:06 AM ,
Anonymous said...
mwahahha andrew i lubb ur bloggg...
find it really inspiring..
captivate me especially da ladies and gents part..
ryt momomomo...gogogogo...
u rockkk..*clap clap*
all the best,
Lynnie weanie bunnie~^^
At 11:47 AM ,
Anonymous said... very comment~
hmm..short ones yet meaningful do i dare say no when it's a yes good?
yeah man keep it publish? will it be better?? tsk! ciao~
At 3:21 PM ,
Eli James said...
Ah. Nice one there. It takes a lot of faith and courage to do anything against the tide of people.
History maker indeed!
At 11:01 PM ,
Anonymous said...
wtf! geng!
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